Supported living of the highest quality


Providing supported living with you as our priority

What we offer


Daily Living Skills

Daily living comprising learning and developing a sense of structure and routine which enables each service user to plan his or her day for maximum benefit.

Specialist Services

We work in partnership with Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and Supporting People within leading Local Authorities across London and the South Central England offering high quality supported housing for vulnerable adults

Person Centred Solutions

We offer person centred solutions to Service Users referred to us. This allows other professionals and families to help us design the support plans to ensure the best outcomes for the service users in our care.

Intensive Support

We provide intensive support care packages for those service users that have challenging needs/behaviours in the community.

Social Skills

Our Services staff also focus on helping service users (all cases) develop their social skills such as managing relationships, how to dress and behave appropriately, assertiveness, outdoor activities and managing drugs and alcohol use.

Employment Services

Our supportive staff spend time discussing and supporting educational needs and potential employment opportunities with each service user, helping them gain the motivation and skills to move as quickly as possible towards an integrated and rewarding life.

Floating Support

We will be offering soon, floating support for people living independently who still require a low level of support. The support provided is flexible and can vary from one hour a week upwards.

Client Referral

We work closely with Community Mental Health Teams and other professionals working in local hospitals with specialised units, to effect a discharge into our service.

Personal Budget

The personalisation agenda means a major shift in the way most care and support providers approach service development and delivery. At Independence Home and Domiciliary Care Services personalisation has always been at the core of our service.

Forensic Placements and Support

IHDCare offers a 24 hour supported living service and a supportive environment that focuses on individual needs and aspirations of thepeople we support. Supported living pathways enable us to work towards increasing independence, minimising risk and reducing support over time with the ultimate goal of more independent living.


IHD Care offers adults with various mental health difficulties a family setting residential living experience where each individual is respected, valued and nurtured to allow their talents and strengths to develop during their stay with us. We encourage residents to develop their confidence and well being leading to fulfilment of their independence.Our staff aim to foster positive relationships with residents through shared daily life in a well maintained, safe and stimulating environment, working closely with all agencies to enable residents to reintegrate back into communities, families or independent living. The length of the placement will be dependent on the needs of the resident as identified in their care plan or care pathway. Our residents, families and friends will be encouraged with consent to take part an active role in the initial planning of care and this will form the basis of the resident’s care plan. The care plan will be actively reviewed and monitored on a regular basis.We will consult, inform and actively encourage feedback on the quality of service provided in an atmosphere which is open and non judgemental. This feedback will be used to enhance wherever possible the care experience of our residents.Our ultimate aim is to continually provide excellent, flexible and personalised home care service to best fit individual needs.

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About Us

Who are we?


We are an organisation dedicated to helping people are experiencing long and enduring mental health difficulties. Some of the groups of people we work with include, those coping with substance misuse/abuse & other complex needs.Our programme is designed to provide a step-down service by helping these individuals go from supported living to independent living.We currently have a six-bedroom house that is close to a variety of amenities including voluntary work, education and employment facilities..We are also in the process of acquiring additional properties. Please inquire about these should you decide to get in touch with us.

What do we offer?

Here at IHD Care, we offer and provide a wide array of services. Click below to find out more.

Want to join?

We are always looking to hire the best talent in the industry. We would love to hear from you.

Specialist Services

We work in partnership with Social Services, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and Supporting People within leading Local Authorities across London and the South Central England. We offer high quality supported housing for vulnerable adults who are:
- aged between 18-70 with recognised mental health needs and mild learning disabilities
- individuals recovering from substance/alcohol misuse and other complex needs
- individuals ready to be discharged from psychiatric wards
- vulnerable adults living in the community in crisis
- private referrals from GPs and families
To prepare our service users towards independent living, we have a holistic approach which involves joint work with Community Psychiatric Nurses, Social Workers, Psychiatrists, GPs, Care Workers, Advocates, Carers and their extended families.
Specifically, the services we offer through qualified and experienced staff, cover our three-tier 'move on' programme, high, medium, and floating (low level) support needs, from 24 hours a day to one hour a week. Additionally we also can provide intensive 1:1 support, 24 hours per day.
We offer a one stop shop. A complete solution to supported living covering a full range of services:Crisis Unit - We can provide services within smaller units where a person is able to stay for up to three days if they have a crisis in their own home. Their needs will then be assessed for suitable placement in hospital, residential care, supported accommodation or independent living. IntensiveSupport – This is a service for high need service users who require one-to-one 24-hour support.Respite Care – These projects provide short-term supported accommodation for people who may be temporarily unable to care for themselves at home, or giving a short break to carers.We provide basic behavioural support, offering emotional support and advice.

Intensive Support

We provide intensive support care packages for those service users that have challenging needs/behaviours in the community.These support packages can range from:
- 2:1 support 24 hours a day
- Independent accommodation with 1:1 staff 24 hours per day
- A small 4 bed group home with staff onsite 24 hours per day.
Service users are monitored closely. We also work very closely with multidisciplinary teams to ensure any service users that are on CTO’s or have a forensic history are managed in the most appropriate way.The service provides rehabilitation in the individual’s chosen home destination thus eliminating the stress of moving.

Daily Living Skills

Daily Living SkillsDaily living comprising learning and developing a sense of structure and routine which enables each service user to plan his or her day for maximum benefit. Providing comfort and security which, in turn, fosters a sense of well-being.Routine and Structure:- Getting up on time and making their bed
- Personal hygiene
- Getting dressed
- Preparing meals
- Support with benefits
- Handling cash and banking
- Budgeting
- Shopping
- Cooking and washing-up
laundry, ironing and storing clothes
- Verbal and written skills

Person Centred Solutions

We offer person centred solutions to Service Users referred to us. This allows other professionals and families to help us design the support plans to ensure the best outcomes for the service users in our care.There is a great variety of supported housing and residential care available and different types of accommodation to suit different levels of need. These vary from intensive high need support to floating support.We offer a full range of services covering:
- Intensive 1:1 support
- High needs
- Medium needs
- Low needs
- Floating
- Respite
- Domiciliary care (to be developed)
- Managing Personal budgets
- Learning and development centre
- Employment services
- Crisis
We provide a three-tier support programme allowing the services users to gain confidence and develop independent skills to move to independent living while providing continuity of care.

Employment Services

Our supportive staff spend time discussing and supporting educational needs and potential employment opportunities with each service user, helping them gain the motivation and skills to move as quickly as possible towards an integrated and rewarding life.We provide support for service users to access employment support through Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust dedicated specialist employment staff who work in partnership with local business and government to find voluntary and paid employment once a service user is motivated and confident in returning to work. We also support service users in utilising government schemes to ensure that service users can continue to receive financial support and assistance while building their confidence to take up full time paid employment.

Social Skills

Our Services staff also focus on helping service users (all cases) develop their social skills such as managing relationships, personal hygiene, appropriate behaviour, how to dress and behave appropriately, assertiveness, health and well being, outdoor activities and managing drugs and alcohol use (safe limits and recovery programmes).Our Service staff work closely with each service user to help them learn these essential social skills to equip them and give them confidence for day to day living.
These include:
- Assertiveness (protection against vulnerability and abuse)
- Confidence building
- Going out and about
- Dressing for the occasion
- Communication skills
- Appropriate behaviour (according to needs)
- Managing alcohol and drug use (safe limits and recovery programmes)
- Health and well being
- Managing relationships (family and professionals)

Floating Support

We will be offering soon, floating support for people living independently who still require a low level of support. The support provided is flexible and can vary from one hour a week upwards.This type of accommodation would consist of individual fully furnished self contained flats where we would provide practical support with maintaining tenancies, monitoring mental health and medication, managing budgets, ensuring rent and bills are paid, ensuring daily living skills and emotional support needs are met.

Personal Budget

The personalisation agenda means a major shift in the way most care and support providers approach service development and delivery. At Independence Home and Domiciliary Care Services personalisation has always been at the core of our service.Our approach focuses on individual rights, user empowerment, the right for people to control their own lives, and improved quality of services created by providing choice. The continued focus on personalisation of care recognises that people are experts in their own lives and therefore best placed to make choices for themselvesWe addres personalisation and personal budgets by:
- Assessing individual requirements by face to face meetings
- Developing a personalised care plan with the service users requirements
- Providing flexibility in the delivery of the care plan and match support workers to the service users
- Match local area worker who is familiar with local services in order to provide the quality and continuity of care that you would expect
- Paying particular attention to cultural and religious needs
- Fully functioning activity programme to cater for all interests
- Provide value for money so you get more support for your budget
- Working around service users not internal systems and processes
- Support infrastructure to ensure a swift response to changes
- A large part of the personal budget support gives service users control of their budget and enabling them to purchase services from their choice of provider when required.
The bottom line is we make it easy for service users to continue to enjoy hobbies and interest and fulfil their lives completely while delivering the support that is required.

Client Referral

We work closely with Community Mental Health Teams and other professionals working in local hospitals with specialised units, to effect a discharge into our service.Our referral criteria would include:
- Background history
- Care plan
- Current risk assessment.
Once this is received, we will arrange to jointly assess the service user’s needs. If the service user fits our criteria, the service user will be invited to visit the proposed home to meet the staff and other residents and to view their accommodation. Once the service user has agreed to move into one of our homes, and we have provided costings and Social Services has agreed the funding, we will arrange their move accordingly.

Forensic placements and support

IHDCare offers a 24 hour supported living service and a supportive
environment that focuses on individual needs and aspirations of the people we support. Supported living pathways enable us to work towards increasing independence, minimising risk and reducing support over time with the ultimate goal of more independent living.
At IHDCare we offer high quality supported living accommodation for people with a forensic history particularly those on S37/41. We understand the complexities and legalities of community-based support for those who have been discharged from secure settings, or who have offended in the past. Our team is focused on promoting independence while identifying and managing risks, resulting in a community-based support model that provides a “least restrictive” alternative.

Our experienced staff are aware that many people with a forensic history develop a mistrust of health and social care professionals. Our team have the experience, resilience and passion required to work through these challenges, break down barriers and form productive and positive relationships with the people we support.

IHDCare staff continually assess risk and implement support plans that promote independence, while also monitoring and managing identified risks.
We work closely with local authorities and outside agencies such as forensic outreach
services and probation services to ensure that the support we offer meets the needs of the individual and their history. Our close-cluster model means that all of our Berkshire services are in close proximity, allowing us to be extremely responsive by uplifting staff numbers when required.

Individuals with a forensic background may require support to make positive choices that reduce their risk of relapsing or reoffending. We work very closely with each individual, their families, their previous settings and any health professionals, to ensure that the risks are comprehensively understood to enable us to build a robust transition plan and care plan that meets their needs and manages risk.

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